Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday may have started with a bang, but....
Its been a day of ups and downs. On the up, Kristina got the good news that her counts are coming up and her physicians are discussing discharging her either Wednesday or Thursday. She has a bone marrow aspiration/biopsy tomorrow around noon, which will give a clearer picture of whether or not she is in remission after this first round of chemotherapy.  On the down, she got the news that while she may be discharged, she will need in-home IV antibiotics for a few days to finish her current course.  This in itself is not a huge downer, but through the process of planning this, she was informed that her current Medicare supplemental insurance plan (that she struggled for 3 weeks to find and choose) will not cover outpatient (in-home) infusions. As she will need many more of these IV infusions at home following her next courses of treatment, she decided to switch insurance back to her employee Cobra plan from SCCA. I believe this plan is more comprehensive and probably provides better coverage, but the even bigger downside is that it costs twice as much per month as the Medicare supplement would have.

Needless to say, our friend is worn out after a day of riding the emotional rollercoaster.  I am creating a Facebook page for her tonight (not something she ever dreamed of having) in order to create a Go Fund Me page for her.  Friends and family can donate funds through that page to help cover her medical expenses/insurance premiums.  So if you are a Facebooker - find and friend her there.

I will touch base with her tomorrow evening after her biopsy and update everyone as soon as I have new information. 

Goodnight all - hoping for a brighter day tomorrow.

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