Sunday, December 21, 2014

Thank you & a Joyous Christmas

I want to thank everyone of you who offered up your miles. I am still literally reeling over the response, the calls, the text's, the emails...your kindness, your compassion....& the speed at which this is all happening. Currently I still have no date but likely within the week. City of Hope is still missing 2 crucial medical records from SCCA. Dear friends from ole S. Naknek Alaska days and my Best GF from middle/high school back in NY will split the mileage - one down to LA, the other the return to Seattle. I want to wish you all a most joyous, wondrous & simply Fab holiday. You have all touched my life & my soul in such a profound way. Please stay tuned. Thank you. And Merry Christmas to all !  xo

1 comment:

Stephen Bess said...

Merry Christmas Kristina! Thinking about you and eager to see you here in LA whenever your CoH appointment happens. Believing in you and with you! Stay strong!!!