Thursday, November 27, 2014


Blood draw today, appropriately Thanksgiving Day with results to be thankful for. Slowly the numbers are creeping up. Whites 0.69 & Neutrophils 0.40. The highest they've been. And this is a good thing! It also seems I've been holding both the platelet transfusions and the red blood transfusions maybe a day or two longer than I previously have. In fact, a platelet transfusion and a red blood transfusion we planned for tomorrow could probably wait until Sunday. However for safety reasons we will schedule both for Saturday now. Wow. Although in extremely minute increments, I now feel that there is indeed a slow progression forward. For this...and so very much more...I am both grateful and thankful. I reserve a very special soft fuzzy place in my heart for Bruce my donor....and for ALL my priceless caregivers that nurture and support me. XO
I pray that all of you have equally precious things that you too are thankful for on this day = )
To Life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kristina, I stopped by the support group Thursday when I was at SCCA for blood draw but you weren't there.Hope the progress last noted on your blog is continuing. Joe and I have been thinking about you and hoping for good things. K & J