Tuesday, July 15, 2014

An Introduction and An Update

Hello Friends -

For those of you who do not know me, my name is Neva Martin.  I met our lovely Kristina a mere 23+ years ago through mutal friends and family while slinging fish at Excursion Inlet, AK. I will be taking over updating of this blog from Paul - although I doubt my skills match his! 

Kristin Munnell and I visited with Kristina Sunday night and she was in good spirits and feeling fairly well that day.  We had the pleasure of meeting two of her hiking group friends as well.  She had some nausea in the days before, but that had subsided.  Her blood counts are going down as expected and will continue to do so.  This round of chemo is over, now wait and watch those counts. 

Her counts today were:  WBC (white blood cells) .11
                                        ANC (neutrophils) 0
                                        HCT (hematocrit) 27
                                        Platelets 32

Kristina has moved to a new room tonight #8058, with a new phone number of 206.906.7493.  Try this landline before her cell when calling.  She welcomes visitors (healthy ones please) and her doctor even told her she could share a glass of wine with us!  Party time in Oncology! A phone call before visiting is still a good idea, as her energy waxes and wanes.  A reminder that no live flowers or plants are allowed on her floor.   

I have worked in the medical field for many years, so please feel free to reach out to me as well with any questions you may have. 

Keep that positive energy going out to our brave and beautiful friend!


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