Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Quick Update

Hi folks. Paul here, with apologies for so few posts. First there were the holidays, then I broke my arm skiing! I am typing this one-handed, and Kristina and I were laughing about both of now being invalids. The advantage I have is that my caregiver is also my girlfriend.

Kristina is doing pretty darn well. She’s off the IV and insulin and is being weaned off the steroids. She is still dealing with GVH on her skin, which necessitates taking expensive pills and then getting into a tanning booth at the hospital. She has had some caregiver issues; one was sick and had to be sent home, and I think she’s on a whole new one now. She still needs someone there several days a week, so there are still bills to pay.

There are some improved videos posted to the left – thanks to Jaqueline Martinez for doing that! Included in there is the report from the night of the fundraiser at Tractor Tavern.

So the news is mostly good, but from what I hear, things can go south pretty quick. So let’s all remember that our friend is still dealing with some serious stuff and keep sending those healthy, healing vibes.

Meanwhile, I’ll try to post more often, as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am a long lost friend of Kristina's and would love to call her. Is it possible for me to call her and if so, can I have her phone number?

Please send my love and healing energy over to her!
Sabrina Herman