Yep, Monday night/early Tuesday morn I had a surprising 2 am visit to the UW emergency room which evolved into a now several day stay. I left SCCA Monday morning with a sudden and unusually excruciating headache. I was actually a bit reluctant to drive home. When I did get home I napped (...not a napper) for a surprising 3 hours and felt much better. But as the evening wore on the headache returned. By 1:30 am I had been shaking uncontrollably with rigors for about an hour and 1/2 - literally unable to get out of bed, even for my phone. I finally managed to get a thermometer, resulting in a 102.0 fever. Which quickly, shockingly, turned into 103.0 degrees only 10 min later. No denying it, something was definitely wrong. Sure enough UW Med Center advised me to get into the ER immediately. A neighbor thankfully drove me.
I honestly though I was WELL beyond this stage. With talks of me potentially going back to work (super part-time), even with my low neutrophil and platelet counts and lack of robust immune protection, I truly thought the whole hospital thang was well behind me. Imagine my utter shock and disappointment. Apparently I have somehow acquired a rod gram-negative bacterial infection in my blood for which they are still investigating if it's related to my central chest line (hickman) still placed in my chest. It seems to be far more serious than I thought. The physicians here placed me on one IV antibiotic, but have since switched me to another slightly stronger more broad spectrum one after 2 more in-patient episodes of uncontrolled rigors. What an exhausting experience. Thankfully I'm doing far better. However they need to keep me a couple more days to make sure the meds are indeed working and that the following blood cultures taken do not grow out anything further (there had been talk of possible meningitis too..).
Talk about an utterly and truly Rude awakening. Just being back here brings back rather unpleasant memories. The smells in the sanitized bathrooms, the food on the menu I know oh soo well (yuck!), the sounds in the hallway, vitals every 4 hours, and the lights blinking at night. Not necessarily frightening, but certainly unpleasant unnerving reminders...
I'm a bit tired, but in far better spirits. And totally welcome any hospital hallway antics, preferably involving soft-Frisbees .... = )
Well, crap. CRAP! I'm sorry Kristina. Hang in there, get better and get outta there! Thinking of you.
Sending healing thoughts and prayers for your full recovery! Stephanie
Sending love and good wishes your way, Kristina. What a frustrating and scary experience to go through, especially when you were feeling out of the woods. We're sending love from the heat of the tropics to spur your immune system. Positive thoughts... <3 Jessie
Disappointing, but you are one hell of a fighter! Thinking of you Kristina.
Love you Kristina!
Yay! Without knowing the story till today, but getting news things were not totally glowing, I held you close in prayer. The Holy Spirit prays for us when we don't exactly know what to pray for. But He was faithful and heard me. :D Prayers answered! What happy news! Congratulations, enjoy, and don't overdue it! I hope to see you back out on the trail this season! ;) Love and God Bless! - your hiking survivor pal Rebecca :) By the way, KEEP CLIMBING! :D
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