Monday, December 8, 2014

Stagnant...& overdue

I owe a big apology. Truly there has not been much to write. Simply because we are still holding our breath & waiting with now mild anticipation for ANY bone marrow to return... To start producing blood again. At Day 112.....Still waiting. I now feel akin to a sort of vampire. They pump new blood from other people into me, I use it up in approximately 5-7 days, then I need more new platelets and blood. Ah, the malicious cycle. I still have no immune system. And am defenseless against everything. I continue to take a number of prophylactic med's - several that are criminally expensive. And I'm tired of just waiting. Of seeing the 4 walls of my own home, or of being up at the clinic. I'm tired of this snails pace progress - forward as it may look - being measured by fractional digits that barely move.... Or teasingly, deceptively bump-up...slightly...only to slightly fall back again.
Please understand I'm not writing this with any angst, fear or outright rage. It's far closer to the opposite of simple stagnation, apathy, boredom, whatever.... In sailor's terms; I'm in the doldrums with this progress.... Argh is appropriate. I'm exasperated. And I just don't know what to say anymore.
For the moment (at least this moment) Transplant is off the table. Other than setting up for my second DLI possibly this week, I had the prerequisite bone marrow biopsy last Wed. The Good preliminary news is that there is "no residual disease detected". The final 2 reports should be available shortly. Perhaps I'm being a bit too cocky ? I knew in my soul there wouldn't be any residual Leukemia. Crap, they burned the Hell out of my marrow environment. It's not growing or sustaining anything it should be. I was in remission with the 1st round of chemo. Why would I not be now ???Could there possibly be any residual disease cruelly lurking, slinking around in there somewhere.....Still ? ? ?
So please except my apology. For my tardiness, for my seemly contempt possibly cavalier perspective, for my lack of communication. In truth I am actually doing Freakishly well. Go figure. my caregivers will agree am yes upbeat, laughing, living, and certainly making plans for the future. Even under the above lousy circumstances. You better Flippin' believe I am !!
Thanks so much for bearing with me dear friends, peep's, my homies, my village. True, it hasn't been easy. But please DO stay tuned.
To Life ! 

1 comment:

Loic said...

Hi Kristina,

I understand what you feel.
I remember the 14 days between chemo cycle before my counts came back and it was always the most difficult part.

So stressful, you feel so useless... You feel like a vampire, as you said.


Hang in there!