I spoke to Kristina this afternoon, and she sounds quite good. She said she’s a little loopy from the meds, but the negative effects of the chemo have yet to kick in. She doesn’t think it will be long before that happens.
So, as for visiting her, she can have visitors at any time – even for a sleepover.
Here is her info:
Room #8258
University of Washington Medical Center
1959 NE Pacific St.
Seattle, WA 98195
Room phone: 206-598-3926
Parking is best across the street in the underground "Triangle" lot.
Take the northeast elevator to 8th floor, turn left past the nurse's station.
There are some restrictions:
-> no flowers
-> no fresh fruit/veggies
-> no head colds/tummy flu exposure
-> no recently vaccinated children
-> visitors must ware a gown & gloves before they enter the room
And now, for the other question: How is she doing?
Here are blood levels from the day she was admitted, Nov. 5:
(Note: I don’t really know what any of these mean, but she sent the "normal" ranges.)
11-4 CBC Levels:
White Blood Cells: 4.75 (normal is 4.3 - 10)
Hematocrit: 33 (normal is 36 - 45)
Platelets: 74 (normal is 150 - 400)
ANC: 2.88 (normal is 1.8 - 7)
11-4 Liver Levels:
AST (GOT): 29 (normal is 15 - 40)
ALT (GPT): 40 (normal is 6 - 40)
And now, here are the numbers from November 5 (note that they are all up):
WBC 5.85
HCT 34
PLT 84
ANC 3.06
Note: If there's anything else you want to know in these posts, let me know in the comments or at paul@paulgerald.com.
More tomorrow.
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