I sacrificed a scheduled Mt Adams training yesterday for "Opening Day" here in Seattle. Par our typical weather pattern (due to the mountains) it was indeed our usual chilly gray early May Saturday with spectacular clouds, which only added dramatic tones to the day. We were lucky escaping most of the rain, but wondered if the Team up on the trail were so lucky. UW won the rowing class with Syracuse in 2nd, followed by Oxford, England in 3rd. The turn-out was huge for a grey day, and the most amazing shot of the day went to the five 40+ ft mono hulls that came gracefully heeling thru Montlake Cut, down the narrow path of the log-boom, dramatically flying their breathtakingly colorful spinnaker sails the whole way ! What a spectacular site !!
Just a thought I'd like to share...
I live life. I always have. But I now celebrate Life. I now look to the future and my heart flutters. Truly. I will of course continue to make post's about my "mini"-adventures & my training for the Mt Adams summit-bid. And I will continue to cherish your interest and support, and endlessly thank you for it. However, I've recently come to a kinda unexpected observation, & realization.... Looking to the left-hand column, at the counter below, you'll see twelve thousand hits. Who is kidding who ? Thou honored, I need not tell you I certainly don't have 12 thousand friends. Apparently this site is also key-worded to "Transplant". Therefore I can only assume that some of those 12 thou out there are more than likely hovering in that same awful, utterly dark and daunting place I was 2+ yrs ago. I acutely remember that utter fear, and the desperately endless searches for ANY bits of post-transplant information.....any glimmer of hope for my future..... It is for these kindred souls that I will occasionally continue to reflect upon and refer to "transplant" issues. Make no mistake, I am most definitely not dwelling on that nightmare place I've since evolved from. I simply feel it is necessary to give another that Priceless glimmer of hope... Thank you for understanding this....